Free Software

This section contains a free messenger client and server I designed and developed using Visual C++ in my spare time. I have named the software as Chatter-jee. I developed this software as a means to learn and practice Visual C++. So I am giving away the source code for other aspiring programmers to learn it.

You are free to download and use this software, even modify it, provided you take care not to modify the splash screens mentioning my contribution to this software.

This software is in no way complete and I am sure you will find many possible places for improvements. Do write to me describing these improvements (and bugs!!)

For instructions on how to compile the software, Go here
Before running the software please have a look at the Starting Up Instructions

 Source Code  Executables
 Messenger Client
 Messenger Server
 Messenger Server Database DLL(Required for server)
 Messenger Client
 Messenger Server
 Messenger Server Database DLL(Required for server)
 Database: Messenger Database(Required for server)
 Help and Documentation
       User Manual for Client
       User Manual for Server
       Complete Design Document for Client and Server

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